Abi Motor Oil's 10W-30 Synthetic Blend Diesel Engine Oil is a superior quality oil formulated to provide greater protection than standard oils. This blend is specifically formulated to increase fuel economy while providing the soot dispersancy needed in modern common rail diesel engines. This is recommended for a wide range of vehicles new and old.

Abi Motor Oil's 10W-40 Synthetic Blend Diesel Engine Oil is a superior quality oil that is formulated to provide greater protection than standard oils. This blend is formulated for engines operating under severe service and a wide range of climate conditions. It is suitable for virtually all modern low-emission heavy duty engines, especially those with exhaust after-treatment devices. Because it is a blend of premium syn-blend base oils and selected additives, this product is designed to give excellent performance in all EGR engines. This engine oil contains an effective additive system, which is compatible with and keeps all EGR engines highly clean.